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October Challenge – curious

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Yes I’m awake

So springcon was awesome. I tabled next to the fine folks over at Hollow. Got to talk to old friends and even sold a few things. Now I just need a nap, then I can do comics.

Con Prep Part 2

This weekend is SpringCon in Minnesota. You should go. I’ve got a couple new things that I hope sell well. I have a new Mini-Comic and some blank on the inside greeting cards. greeting cards and Mini Comic Hope to see you at SpringCon


I have been resisting the urge to complain about the snow. Today seems like a good day to complain though because I think we’re at the end of it. Last night we had another snow storm and it dropped roughly 6 inches of snow. Wet.. Heavy.. Deep.. snow. I normally (this late in the season) ignored the snow and let it melt on its own. This though was so thick and wet I even had a tough time plowing the snow. To add insult to injury on the news last night they pointed out that in April we have had more snow then any other month this season. UGH!

I both hate and love April Fools day

For a number of years I didn’t even pay attention to April Fools Day. I’m just not into fooling people I guess. I love a good gag and I respect people who can pull off a clever stunt but too many times a April Fools day joke that sounds good in planning becomes a wreck on execution. So far today I have only see the cute kinds of April Fools Day gags but I feel the need to possibly stay off the internet today.


So I have been spending my drawing time being horrible. I started loom knitting. I will have a few of these for sale and have plans to stop looming so I can prep for the up coming shows. I want to give you a sample of my hats though. green and black knit hat Pink with Black Skull knit hat