Better leaders

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Get well soon

I never in my life imagined a time in this country where our political leaders would insist I should hate a bishop for preaching for mercy from those in power.

New Comics are inbound

I have a stack of comics that need to be scanned and uploaded. I’ll try to do it this weekend. If you do the facebook thing.. try there for random HaHa’s

State of the page

So I’m a bit behind and hope to catch up soon. I have a stack of “bad comics” that need to be scanned and posted. I’ll also toss a few of my other projects up here for you all to see soon.

I may break the site

This post is a warning, I may break the site. I have to make a couple of theme updates and the last time I did that I broke the site. I’m not looking forward to it but it is what it is and I’ll give it a try… again.   Wish me luck.