Meet Me

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Meet me at my grave

Sometimes you sleep a little longer than expected

Big Weekend

First.. I have a comic almost ready to post.. this week kicked my ass though. My elder Son is turning 15 tomorrow. I really can’t figure that out yet. 15 is about when kids start being people and not just extensions of their parents (in my opinion). I’ll be sharing table space tomorrow with Phil. We’ll be at the Eau Claire Comic Con. EC3

House Keeping

You may or may not have noticed that some of the rougher looking comics have dropped off the site. I did some housekeeping and deleted about a dozen comics that honestly were very rough, or only done in pencil, or were sketch cards. Either I shouldn’t have uploaded them or they should have been part of a blog post. Either way what’s in the comic navigation today should be decent comics and I’ll add more again soon.

A brief and functional update

In the unlikely event that this is the only place online that you look for updates on my life I would like a moment of your time to point you to I have been adding quick little updates there mostly because it’s really easy. The sketch cards I’ve been doing typically show up there first only because I upload them directly from my phone. Additionally, I would encourage you to reach out to someone and let them know you’re there and thinking of them.