Midwest Story

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Midwest hobo story

Let me tell you a story

Aug. Addition of the state of things

It’s been too long and the pile of comics I need to scan keeps growing. I’ve been posting some photos of them over on the facebook page and on instagram but I want to get clean versions posted here. I am also in the process of signing up for a few shows and will put up a list once I get a confirmation. I believe I will be doing a couple of traditional craft shows as well as a couple comic shows. ** I’ll post again soon

New things

I stumbled into some cool little bags and decided to try them out as dice bags. If you see me at MSPComicon you have a shot of buying one. dice_bag

State of the page

So I’m a bit behind and hope to catch up soon. I have a stack of “bad comics” that need to be scanned and posted. I’ll also toss a few of my other projects up here for you all to see soon.

I may break the site

This post is a warning, I may break the site. I have to make a couple of theme updates and the last time I did that I broke the site. I’m not looking forward to it but it is what it is and I’ll give it a try… again.   Wish me luck.