Midwest Story

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Midwest hobo story

Let me tell you a story

I both hate and love April Fools day

For a number of years I didn’t even pay attention to April Fools Day. I’m just not into fooling people I guess. I love a good gag and I respect people who can pull off a clever stunt but too many times a April Fools day joke that sounds good in planning becomes a wreck on execution. So far today I have only see the cute kinds of April Fools Day gags but I feel the need to possibly stay off the internet today.


So I have been spending my drawing time being horrible. I started loom knitting. I will have a few of these for sale and have plans to stop looming so I can prep for the up coming shows. I want to give you a sample of my hats though. green and black knit hat Pink with Black Skull knit hat


I’ve been slow with the comics so I thought you might like to see how far I am on the latest one. work in progress


So I am trying out a new system starting this week. I am going to start drawing a comic on one morning and finish it on the next and then start on the next comic. Maybe that will mean a regular schedule. As a reminder we have a store now. You can find it at Back40Arts over on Etsy. If you’re looking for a custom card or drawing let me know.

We have a store!

I do in fact have a shop… now.. Okay it’s an Etsy shop but that should work out for the best. You can find it at Back40Arts over on Etsy. Please do stop and look around. It’s a bit sparse yet but more to come soon. We will be listing items from both myself and my family. Eventually we will have sketches, photos, crafts, quilts, and likely more for you.