General social question

This is my home base and if you are one of the few who follow me here Thank You! I don’t think of this as a social platform though. This is like friends hanging out in my workshop.

I do have a general social media question for all of you. Do you treat your different social apps to different content? If someone follows you in one space is there a reason to follow you somewhere else or do you choose to post everything everywhere?

I’m thinking that I will start adding different flavors to different apps. Mostly I post drawings everywhere but I also take a lot of car photos.

I’m going to stew on this a bit and get back to you.

Trying to go digital

So I finally upgraded my android tablet and bought a much better stylus. I’m making a stab at doing some more digital art and I think the stylus is the trick for me.

I never got the hang of the Wacom drawing pad where you look at the screen but draw on the pad.

I’m going to do a few “paint over” style posts where I find an old sketch load it on the tablet and draw over the top of it.

Here’s one from a drawing I did in the 80’s.Read More